6-Questions-to-Ask-Yourself-Before-Starting-Counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Counseling

Deciding to go to therapy is a major part of starting your healing journey. This choice often comes with lots of thought, fear, and anxiety. A lot of times people will consider going to counseling several times before they finally decide to get started. This post will give you six key questions to ask yourself before you start counseling.

Each question is deeply personal and can only be answered by you. It doesn’t matter if other people have mentioned going to therapy to you, or you’ve heard about someone else’s experiences that have inspired you. Starting counseling is a decision for you to make. To gain the most benefit from the experience you must be open to the counseling experience. Let’s get into it. 

Am I ready to face my issues? 

This question allows you to assess how prepared you are to start the deep work of unpacking your problems. Therapy is hard. It’s important to be ready to sit with the feelings of discomfort, with the support of your counselor as you work through the challenges. 

I meet clients where they are in their healing journey. I know how to navigate the major trust given to me by the people I work with as we face those difficult moments. They leave feeling supported throughout each session.

How do I feel about the length of time I may be in counseling?

Sometimes this is where people get frustrated. In my introduction, I share how important it is to be patient with the process. It may not be what you want to hear but it’s still important to note. Some issues are quickly resolved, often it takes time for the situation to be explored. It will take time to process your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If the situation involves others these additional scenarios also take time to process. 

Frequently people will ask me how long does it take for counseling to work. It takes as long as it does. Each person has a unique experience in counseling and will need different lengths of time to work through whatever it is they are going through in life. Some people spend short periods in counseling while others stay in therapy for an extended time. 

The people I work with begin to understand how important it is to allow time for the healing process to unfold. We explore the obstacles they have from multiple angles to provide the best course of action for healing. This way of working with clients allows them to move with intention and purpose.  

How willing am I to be completely honest, and open? 

Going to counseling requires commitment. Therapy is a beautifully transformative process. It requires you to be open to the counseling experience. Being open in counseling requires a fierce amount of vulnerability in a way many people are not familiar with in life. 

To receive the most benefit from counseling requires you to be open to the experience. You will need to be honest. If you are not truthful with your counselor they will not be able to help you in your therapy sessions. 

This level of vulnerability is sacred. I make sure to be respectful and kind to each person I work with within therapy. I feel honored to do the amazing work of counseling and helping people heal. The people I work with understand how important is to be open with themselves, with me, and to the counseling process. 

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Can I afford to continue to suffer in the emotional and mental pains? 

If you do nothing, nothing changes. If you are prolonging your pain with the hopes of the problems going away themselves you are in for a wild ride. Sometimes problems do just go away, often it does not just disappear. Why risk it? Your inner peace and harmony are far more valuable than your moments of discomfort to get to a more healed version of yourself. 

I help my clients become the best version of themselves. This requires work, vulnerability, courage, and a lot of other amazing ingredients to be mixed into the melting pot of your healing journey. 

What makes me ready for counseling?  

Knowing what makes you ready for counseling will help you to start the counseling process with a willingness to face the problems you are about to overcome. When you are ready to process your experience for all that it means to you. It’s natural for you to feel nervous. Even with the feelings of uneasiness about getting started, you will be more motivated to go beyond the pain to peace. When you know you are ready for therapy you will not let the fear of being vulnerable stop you from getting started. 

What do I hope to gain from counseling?

This is a great question to ask yourself. It requires you to be intentional about starting counseling. This question requires an element of openness to what the counseling experience will be like for you, at the same time it encourages you to be purposeful about starting counseling.

I frequently ask this question in the first session. As a counselor, this helps me to prepare to meet the needs and support you. It also helps me to clarify any possible misunderstandings about what starting counseling may look and feel like for you.

There you have it, 6 questions to ask yourself before starting counseling. It’s a personal decision for you to make, for yourself. After reviewing the questions and thinking through your responses. I hope this helps you become more clear about if you are ready to start counseling. Your healing journey is unique and special to you. This is the time when you choose yourself. Start your healing journey today.

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Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!