Narcissistic Abuse

Does any of this resonate with you?

The person you once loved and trusted has changed. You feel lost and overwhelmed, as you replay every detail over and over in your mind. The feeling of betrayal is heartbreaking. You have found yourself trying to understand the person and the relationship that no longer makes sense.

Searching for clarity and struggling for answers is never-ending. Sleepless nights and constant worry exhaust you. You feel stuck and don’t recognize yourself anymore. All those conversations you’ve had with people who truly don’t understand leave you feeling worse. The weight of grief feels isolating and hopeless.

Experience True Healing and Rediscover Lasting Peace

Right now, you’re stuck in a cycle that feels impossible to escape, knowing this relationship is damaging but fearing that leaving will mean losing a part of yourself.

You’ve given so much, believing you need to fix yourself to be more lovable, but it’s time to reclaim the love you’ve been giving away and realize that you’re not “too much” or overreacting.

Imagine waking up free from the constant anxiety, guilt, and confusion, finally able to set boundaries without fearing they’ll push someone away or make things worse.

This freedom starts when you align with your worth and detach from the patterns keeping you stuck because real love does not come at the cost of your peace.

In Counseling, You Will Gain:

  • The clarity and confidence to set boundaries without guilt or fear.
  • Freedom from the endless loop of overthinking, self-doubt, and second-guessing.
  • A deep, unshakable sense of self-worth that no longer relies on someone else’s approval.
  • A renewed belief that healthy, fulfilling love and genuine happiness are within your reach.

In counseling, you’ll begin untangling the thought patterns and behaviors that have kept you mentally and emotionally trapped in cycles of self-blame, guilt, and fear of abandonment. Together we will work to rebuild your self-identity, safety and help you see that you are worthy of more than just surviving in the shadows of someone else’s demands and manipulations. Healthy love doesn’t come with conditions or keep you stuck in fear. Don’t wait until you’re completely drained—healing is possible, let’s start now.

Why Coming to Counseling is So Important

Narcissistic abuse erodes your sense of self, trapping you in cycles of self-doubt, manipulation, and emotional turmoil. Breaking free requires more. It’s about reclaiming your identity and rebuilding your life from the inside out. Counseling is crucial because it helps you see beyond the damage and understand how this abuse has shaped your beliefs about yourself, your self-worth, and your sense of safety.

Work with Counselors Who Understand

Finding a counselor who truly grasps the nuances of this kind of trauma is crucial. Through counseling with Flourishing Hope, you gain the tools to set healthy boundaries, rebuild trust in yourself, and truly heal. The process isn’t just about recovery—it’s about transformation. With our support, you can regain confidence, peace, and the joy that comes from living authentically, free from the shadows of narcissists and abuse.

Start Your Healing Journey Today

People struggle to heal from narcissistic abuse for a variety of reasons, all of which are important. We could list a million different reasons people remain stuck and unsure about starting counseling, and all those reasons are real and valid -let’s face it -it’s hard.

Imagine a future where confusion and fear no longer dictate your life. Is that a vision worth pursuing?

When we work together, you will receive expert clinical support. When we say “we get it” we really do. We are survivors too. We’ve been there too, and that shared experience gives us unique insight into helping you heal from narcissistic abuse. At Flourishing Hope, we want you to know your experiences are very real. You do not have to navigate the narcissistic chaos alone. We are here to help you heal. Together, we will work on all things related to your healing.

Take the First Step Today


African American woman with braids looking to the side hand on chin thinking.

If You’re Feeling Unsure, Read This Before You Go

It’s completely natural to feel unsure. Taking the first step towards counseling doesn’t mean you have to handle everything all at once. It simply means you’re ready to start exploring your path to healing, at your own pace, with the support of someone who understands.

Counseling with us empowers you to navigate your emotions, restore confidence, and learn powerful strategies specifically for you.

The Effects of Being with a Narcissist

Narcissistic abuse involves a pattern of manipulation, control, emotional manipulation, and exploitation by an individual with narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality disorder. A person who has experienced the cycle of narcissistic abuse will struggle internally. Trying to make sense of situations, the narcissist.

A woman with a scare waving in the wind in expression of freedom

Signs and Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse

  • You don’t feel like the person understands your feelings.
  • You feel the need to record conversations and show the person a text to prove your point.
  • Feeling drained after interacting with the person.
  • In the beginning, you felt very safe and connected with the person, as the relationship progressed you felt discarded and abandoned.
  • Intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, and confusion.
  • Questioning your reality, wondering what is real frequently.

Trauma and Narcissistic Abuse

The connection between narcissistic abuse and trauma is intense. Recognizing the challenges of navigating a narcissistic connection and trauma is crucial. Narcissistic abuse, characterized by manipulation and emotional control by someone with narcissistic traits, often leads to significant trauma.

This trauma manifests through emotional and psychological distress. People are likely to experience anxiety, betrayal, depression, grief, and a deep-seated sense of worthlessness, along with physical manifestations of stress.

Going to counseling is vital for overcoming trauma caused by a narcissistic relationship. We teach you how to rediscover your self-identity, and how to process trauma. You learn about self-care, self-compassion, and more.

Trauma-Focused Talk Therapy an Alternative to EMDR

Healing from trauma, especially narcissistic abuse, is deeply personal. While EMDR is effective, consider the unique benefits of talk therapy. It offers personalized support, helping you to process your emotions and experiences in a safe, supportive environment. As trauma-focused counselors we tailor sessions to your specific needs, making this moment a powerful choice for your deeply personalized healing journey.

The Side Effects of Dealing with Narcissists

After you have experienced narcissistic abuse, you will feel many symptoms connected to grief. Shock, denial, sadness, bargaining, guilt, shame, and anger are a few of the different stages you have probably felt. There’s a lot more to be processed, and we are here to help you. You will also experience some PTSD symptoms.

Narcissistic abuse comes in many forms. Narcissistic (toxic) individuals are in every sector of life, for instance, you may experience narcissistic abuse from a romantic partner, or family member, in religious settings, in the workplace as well as in friendships. Being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of narcissism is important. Finding support to process and overcome the challenges is crucial for improving your quality of life.

Understanding Narcissist Behaviors

Not all narcissists are the same, therefore not all statements will apply to every person.

  • Admiration/validation seeking
  • Avoidance of responsibility
  • Entitlement
  • Grandiosity (feelings of being superior imposing appearance or style.)
  • Lack of empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.)
  • Projection (taking unwanted emotions or traits they possess and attributing them to someone else.)
  • Everything is for show an appearances  
  • Lying
  • Poor boundaries
  • Infidelity
  • Doesn’t listen
  • Gaslighting (leaves you feeling as if you are losing your mind.)

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life.

Every monumental journey begins with a single step. This is yours.