Does-Going-to-Online-Counseling-Work, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

Does Going to Online Counseling Work?

I still get this question almost 100% of the time when I do a counseling consultation. As a counselor who provided online counseling before the surge for it, I talked with potential clients about the benefits of online counseling. 

I had two fabulous counseling suites that I loved helping people in each day. I looked forward to going into the rooms full of bright colors, cushiony pillows, snacks, and, worksheets to use during sessions, and then it happened, the world shut down. The pandemic shifted everything. I quickly pivoted to online everything. I miss those comfy couches, but I don’t have to miss my clients. Now all my clients are online. I provide online counseling to people all over Texas. My life coaching services and business consultations are provided to people all over the world.

The possibilities are endless. It’s natural to feel nervous about starting counseling. Online counseling is the next level to receiving help. Online counseling works, let me tell you how.  

Talk about problems

Going to counseling is hard work. It’s also scary sometimes for people to start their healing journey. Online counseling will allow you the chance to speak with a professional from the comfort of your own home.

I have tons of couch sessions with clients in their own spaces. I don’t blur my background so you get to see my colorful home office space too. Your cat may jump up on your lap while we talk, or a child may scream from the other room. I can’t tell you how many sessions I’ve had with someone’s dog right beside them as we discussed their challenges of the week. (No confidentiality violation lol 😊) None of this bothers me as it helps to see a little more into my clients’ lives.

In online counseling, you talk about your problems. The anxieties that keep you up at night don’t have to after we have a session. The toxic relationship you may be trying to break out of can also be explored to help you find your way. The depression that doesn’t allow you to get out of bed doesn’t have to stop you from receiving help as it did in the past. With online counseling, you don’t have to leave the house and we can still talk it out.

My clients know there is nothing too big or too small that we can’t talk about. Even if we are not in the same physical space the beauty of online counseling allows us to be able to exchange and create a space to work together.

Emotions are expressed

More than any technique I use I connect with you on a personal level. My clients know that I truly care about them and it comes across even through the screen.

When you start online counseling you are still able to process your emotions. Learning to identify what you are feeling and what to do with those emotions is still possible. Even if we aren’t in the same space we work through whatever is bothering you. We don’t have to be in the same city to work together. This is one of the great benefits of online counseling.

I use a host of techniques and strategies to help my clients. We’re still able to talk about the real triggers that bother you as well as how to work through those problems with support.

One of the things I love best is still being able to have power-packed energizing sessions where laughter, tears, raw emotions, and everything can be expressed even if we aren’t in the same room.

Angel M. Hoodye, professional counselor, black therapist, African American Counselor, Online counseling, life coaching, Mental Health self-esteem, self-love, confidence, Texas, Counseling in Texas, Therapy in Texas, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Counseling, Behavioral Health
Angel M. Hoodye, M.S., LPC-S, CART, Life Coach owner of Flourishing Hope Counseling, PLLC

Some of my clients and I share what the drink of the day is before diving deep into the session. Typically you will find me drinking water, tea, or an overly-sweetened coffee.

More freedom and flexibility

Yes, online counseling does work. You receive support without judgment in online counseling. Even if we are not sharing the same space we still share the same goal about your healing.

I can’t tell you about all the sessions clients and I have shared on lunch breaks in their parked cars. The convenience of online counseling is amazing. It provides freedom and flexibility to connect with you when you need me. Tons of breakthroughs have been experienced because of the availability of online counseling provides.

My private practice is located in Kingsville, TX near the bottom of this huge state. It’s a town of fewer than 30,000 people and I reach people all over because of online counseling. Now I get to see people all over the state because of online counseling. There are no limits to the great work we do together.

To learn more click the consultation button below.

The fear of judgment is removed

The fear of judgment about going to a counseling office is eliminated when you start online counseling.  In my previous office, I had a front and a back entrance what does jokingly called sometimes the Batcave with my clients for those that were a little bit more concerned about people finding out they were going to counseling.

Although going to counseling is nothing to be ashamed of, there is still a huge stigma about seeking mental health support and treatment. Online counseling removes the added barrier preventing some people from receiving help.

Now it’s your turn to choose

There you have it no more wondering does going to online counseling works the answer is “YES.” Online counseling works. You talk about your problems, explore your emotions, learn skills, and have a safe place to heal without judgment. You have the opportunity to receive the added flexibility of online counseling at your fingertips whenever you are ready to start your healing journey.

My team and I are here to help you in your healing journey. If you are ready to get started let’s go! This is the moment where you change your life. Look no further and schedule your appointment today. Let’s get started today. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!