How-to-Find-a-Counselor, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

How to Find a Counselor

Counseling near me. This is one of the most common searches done on the internet when you are trying to find a counselor. Going to counseling is a very vulnerable experience. The process of finding a counselor is very personal. This is why choosing the counselor you will work with is so important.

The search to find the right counselor match is not always easy. It might take some time. You may do several searches, consultations, and review websites before finally setting the counselor you want to see. I created this quick read to help you start your healing journey. Use this simple guide to get started.

Look for a specialist

Counseling is not a one-size-fits-all type of experience.  If you live in a rural area you’re more likely to see a counselor that has a wide variety of experiences.  for the same reason, you wouldn’t go to a bakery and ask for a pizza you wouldn’t want to see a counselor that specializes in prenatal care to address your workplace difficulties. Generally, counselors are trained to treat concerns. Seeing a counselor who specializes in working with people with your specific problem helps. The specialized counselor is deeply familiar with both the challenges and the opportunities for your specific issue. The counselor who specializes in your specific problem will also have specific strategies and techniques to help you.  

As a counselor in a rural area that previously worked on a university campus as well as in the community, I’ve tons of experience in working with many different areas. Over the years I’ve specialized in the areas of anxiety, self-esteem/confidence, trauma, narcissistic abusive recovery, and a few other areas. Learn more about my specialties and style here.  

Find someone who makes you feel comfortable

Making sure you find a counselor you feel comfortable with is essential for having a positive counseling experience. This is one of the things I tell people in every consultation. If you do not feel comfortable with the counselor you’re less likely to be open. When you don’t feel comfortable talking to the counselor you’re not able to go deep into the concerns you have, which also means you’re less likely to receive the full benefit of the counseling experience.

BONUS TIP Sometimes you may have to try several counselors before you find a great fit. It’s typical to at least see a counselor 2 to 3 times before completely ruling out the counselor as not being a match. 

Do some internet searching (counselors near me)

The ability to have access to counselors is so much more accessible. Do your research. A helpful way to get started in finding a counselor is to search for counselors near me. This will give you a list of counselors in your area. Once you have the list start doing the deeper dive of finding your counselor match.

Find out how we help people here at Flourishing Hope Counseling, PLLC

Expand your search statewide 

As a counselor in one of the largest states (Texas) providing online counseling has allowed my clients and me the opportunity to connect with people all over the state. I happily provide online counseling to people all over Texas and life coaching to people all over the world.

Lots of counselors now offer online counseling (telehealth.) This will allow you to connect with the counselor that might not be exactly where you are in the state. As you are working to find your counselor broaden your search by checking out counselors from around the state. If you’re interested in doing face-to-face counseling you can also keep it local when you search to find a counselor.

Do a consultation 

Doing a consultation before starting counseling is a great way to help you find your counselor. Prepare a list of questions that you would like to know the answers to before you do the consultation. I’ve created a quick list of questions to ask here

Check the reviews

If you are one of those shoppers who typically checks the reviews before making a purchase it’s totally acceptable to check reviews when you are trying to find a counselor. Of course, reviews aren’t everything, and at the same time, they may help to build your confidence to make the call for the consultation. This may help you find your counselor match.

Review websites

Check out the counselor’s website. This is a great place to go and find gather more information. You might be able to get more of a feel for the counselor’s style and approach to working with people.

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!