How do I find happiness after narcissistic abuse? This is a question many survivors of narcissistic abuse struggle with, in their healing journey. Narcissistic abuse is a traumatic experience. It is by far one of the most devastating and confusing times in a person’s life. Although healing is challenging, you can find happiness after narcissistic abuse. It is natural to struggle after such a painful experience, it is possible. Let us show you how.
Seek Professional Help
Going to counseling is a helpful way to start finding happiness after narcissistic abuse. It is important to choose a counselor you feel comfortable with to explore the different parts of your experience. It is important to choose a counselor who specializes in narcissism and narcissistic abuse. An experienced counselor will be able to help you work through the different forms of abuse you have experienced. The counselor can provide you with specific guidance, and support.
Practice Self-Care
Practicing self-care is an essential part of finding happiness after narcissistic abuse. Many survivors express how they never felt like they would feel whole or happy again. Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health is a foundational piece to finding happiness and healing. You may want to consider including activities such as creating routines, making healthy meal choices, exercising, and having a bedtime. Do things that bring you joy. Try new interests, and return to old hobbies. Instead of being critical of yourself for having experienced narcissistic abuse consider practicing being kind to yourself.
Additional changes you can make to practice self-care are changes such as blocking muting and unfollowing the narcissist and anyone connected to them on your social media. some survivors find it helpful to take a social media break. Making healthy changes in your self-care will support your healing and happiness journey. You do not have to do everything all at once. Start small with something you feel you can do you consistently and build from there.
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Imagine a future where the weight of overwhelm, exhaustion, and feeling powerless is lifted from your shoulders. Picture yourself living in a newfound clarity, cutting through the fog of confusion that once clouded your heart. Engaging in these activities you will find the strength to break free from the bonds of narcissistic trauma and step into a life filled with peace and joy.
GET THE DOWNLOADSWalls keep everybody out, but boundaries teach people where the door is.”
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Set Boundaries
Many survivors reported feeling unsafe. Establishing boundaries protects you from further violations of your standards and values. Clear boundaries also support you and knowing how to navigate interactions with other people, narcissists included. By creating healthy firm boundaries you are more in control of your life. The boundaries establish a foundation of safety and stability. It is hard to make decisions when your ability to trust yourself and your judgments is gone.
Practice Forgiveness
Forgiving yourself is an act of self-care and self-compassion. This means you are giving yourself grace. You are not to blame for the abuse you experienced. It is critical to remember you are worthy of respect and love.
Many times, when the term forgiveness comes up people automatically direct their attention to forgiving the person that caused the trespass, in this case, the narcissist. Instead of focusing all the attention on forgiving the narcissist you need to forgive yourself. Not because you did something wrong but more so because practicing forgiveness grants you the opportunity to free yourself.
A lot of times survivors of narcissistic abuse feel guilt and shame. They struggle with unforgiveness towards themselves. This happens for many reasons. Some survivors of narcissistic abuse feel bad for not noticing the red flags, not leaving the first time, or putting up with all of the manipulations from the narcissist. On the road to happiness is forgiveness. Instead of holding yourself unreasonably accountable for everything that has happened in your life. Work to find happiness again, one step at a time.
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Start your healing process from the pain caused by the person your heart loves the most. Find the clarity you need to stop heartache and confusion. Release yourself from the hurt caused by grief and betrayal. This book helps you explore your unique healing journey out of narcissistic abuse. It’s all the most talked about parts of the healing process for you to start healing now.
BUY NOWSurround Yourself with Positive People
Connecting with your support system is a helpful way to start feeling more like yourself again. Many survivors feel isolated and alone due to struggling with narcissistic abuse from the narcissist. Keep in mind, you do not have to share all of your details about what you have or are experiencing. Having healthy people in your life is a healthy outlet.
If you have lost contact with your support system make an effort to reconnect. If you do not have a support system build one. Your support system can include trusted friends, family, coworkers, counselors, church members, and other helpful supporters. Be careful about adding people connected to the narcissist to your support system. Choose wisely.
Focus on Gratitude
Finding happiness after narcissistic abuse means taking time to acknowledge the positives in your life. Practicing gratitude helps shift your focus from negative experiences to positive ones. Daily list what you are thankful for in your life. You can do this in a journal, make a list on your phone, and put sticky notes in a jar. Make a point to record these moments. You can add these items to a journal. Work to focus on the positives in your life. It does not mean you are ignoring the challenges you are facing. Being intentional about identifying moments of gratitude helps you to heal and find happiness again. In the beginning stages of healing many survivors focus so much on what they are losing they lose sight of what they are gaining. Focusing on gratitude allows you to shift your attention to your strengths and opportunities for more progress.
Remember, healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey and it takes time. Be patient with yourself. Trust yourself and the process.
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