How-to-Know-You-Should-Start-Counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

How to Know You Need to Start Counseling

What’s in it for you

Making the powerful choice to start counseling is life-changing. It’s also quite scary for many people. Knowing you need help is one thing, but doing something about it is super important. When you reach out to receive help by going to counseling it is NOT a sign of weakness. It’s a major choice to improve your life. It’s one of the bravest steps you can take to live a more peaceful courageous life. This post will help you to recognize the signs that let you know you are ready for counseling. 

Can’t stop scrolling through social media

Everyone’s online a lot, but if you find yourself constantly searching for answers, looking for hope and inspiration to fight through problems that aren’t going away it’s time to start counseling. If you find yourself frequently searching the same topics about things that are bothering you with no real relief it’s time to start counseling. If you can’t stop scrolling it becomes a false way to escape the difficulties of everyday living. You don’t have to face the challenges of life alone. Online distractions are just distractions. It’s time to start counseling and stop avoiding the difficulties you are facing help is here.

Isolating yourself

Sometimes you might need to step away from the hustle of everyday living to fall back and center yourself. If you find yourself completely withdrawing from everything and everyone this is an indicator it’s time to seek professional help. A brief period to pause and reflect is nothing to be alarmed about, extended periods with little to no human contact from your support system is not necessarily the healthiest option. Counseling can help you establish healthy connections. Have your quiet time and your social time in a way that supports your lifestyle.

Increased irritable

If you find yourself being more agitated than usual this may be an indicator something is going on in your life. Sure, all of us can have a moment where we’re not our best and maybe a bit aggravated. A constant undercurrent of agitation and irritability that continues for a longer period takes on a different meaning. If you are generally easy-going and find yourself uneasy frequently this is a sign something is out of alignment. Learn to understand and manage your emotions in counseling.

Things that used to work don’t work anymore 

When the things that use to help calm you down don’t work anymore this is a key point to let you know new supportive skills are needed. Each of us can have a moment when life gets out of sorts and we have to make the quick return to our coping strategies. The key point is the strategies have to work. If you find yourself not being able to get back to that point of peace and the things that used to work not working anymore it’s time to start counseling. Gain new support, added skills, and additional ways to support living a peaceful and courageous life.

Increased self-doubt

In the past, if you were a very confident person and you start to notice you are doubting yourself frequently it’s a sign something has shifted in your life. If you have never been a confident person and you find your confidence continues to decrease and your self-doubt is taking over your life even more than before it’s time to start counseling. 

Can’t stop overthinking and racing thoughts 

Some people are naturally more anxious. If you notice you are unable to stop those racing thoughts and you’re overthinking is making you overthink about overthinking, this is a clear sign it is time to start counseling. 

Disorganization in different aspects of life

If your life is out of order and you are tired of feeling lost it’s time to start counseling. You may see this represented in the disorganization in your home, workplace (home office), and vehicle. If you are never able to find things, you feel disorganized in your life and you don’t know where to start, a great place to begin is by going to counseling. If you are generally an organized person and you start to lose organization quality it’s a red flag to indicate something is going on in your life. Disorganization in different areas of life consistently has a strong reflection on what’s happening on the inside of a person. Counseling can help you get things under control. Have structure with flexibility and freedom.  

Unable to find motivation

Each of us has those things in life we don’t want to do but it’s necessary to get things done, that’s nothing to worry about, it’s natural. If you find yourself losing interest in things that you once enjoyed, or you aren’t motivated to make meaningful changes in your life this is a red flag. Going through the motions isn’t enough. No motivation is a clear indicator something is out of place and you need some readjustments. Find your purpose, and increase your motivation to live a life you want for yourself with the help of counseling.

Changes in eating and sleeping habits

Changes in your eating and sleeping habits are strong signs to let you know it’s time to start counseling. If you find yourself eating and sleeping more or less than you usually do your body is telling you something is going on and this is a great opportunity to seek professional counseling support.

Tired of the same old same old

If you are frustrated with being stuck and want to change your life and you don’t know where to begin starting counseling can help you clear up that lost and stuck feeling. Counseling can help you start making major progress towards the healthy life transformation you are looking to receive. Start counseling now and gain powerful insight and support in making decisions to help yourself be your best self.

If you identified with even one of these areas it’s a sign you should start counseling. If you identified with three or more it’s time to get started. No more delaying your peace of mind and happiness. Stop the overthinking, sleepless nights, and endless worry. Do not debate about if you should go to counseling schedule your appointment now.

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!