how-to-know-you-are-ready-for-counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

How to Know You are Ready for Counseling

If you find yourself frustrated with feeling tired of not being happy it’s a sign it’s time to seek professional help. Many times, people will save posts on social media, watch informational or motivational videos hoping their life will improve. All of the positive inspiration is great, and it only goes so far. You need more. Instead of debating and stalling any longer this post will help you to know when you are ready to go to counseling. 

You are tired of being unhappy 

Feelings of being drained and tired of not being satisfied with life is a strong indicator you are ready for counseling. When a person gets so tired of being in the current situation that they become committed to making a change in their life this is an opportunity for someone to go to counseling.  

If you find yourself being easily irritated with yourself and others it’s a sign it’s time to get help. It can get to the point where you get tired of yourself. Meaning you are tired of yourself being stuck. You are tired of being tired. The sleepless nights and overthinking are getting on your nerves. The need for these uncomfortable feelings to improve is a strong motivator to take action and go to counseling. 

The things that used to work aren’t working 

A lot of times when I visit with people I have heard them tell me the things that used to work for them aren’t working anymore. They have run out of options and feel a loss about what to do to improve their life. Those feelings of nagging irritability are great motivators to help a person get ready for counseling. 

You have your done research 

You’ve researched to find a great counselor who will help you. The next step in being ready for counseling is calling the counselor and making the appointment. You might have some initial questions or want a consultation. It’s natural to feel anxious. Do it scared if you have to, do not delay your improvement.

I let people know it gets worse sometimes before it gets better. This means allowing time for the counseling experience to unfold. It also means allowing room for you and the counselor to develop a trusting relationship. 

You are ready to talk about what’s going on 

The thought of talking to a new person, who is initially a stranger is scary. As you and your counselor develop a relationship you will be able to feel more comfortable being vulnerable. A person who is willing to face the problems bothering them is a person who is ready for counseling. 

It is natural to feel nervous when you start something new. After the client and the counselor have developed a level of trust it becomes easier to open up. This is where a lot of the true work begins. 

You are ready to take control of your life 

This is the moment when you go beyond the internet searches. No more just letting life pass you by. You are no longer at a space in life where you are willing to allow life to just happen to you. You will know you are ready for counseling when you healthily take control of your life by working on yourself. It’s the inside heart and mind work that is required to heal and grow. People who are ready for counseling are no longer willing to just exist. They are ready to take meaningful action to improve their life. 

Going to counseling is another way to show you love yourself. Freeing yourself from the bullying of anxiety-filled thoughts or the lies of depression is a powerful move. Whatever it is you are facing will no longer have the power to keep you down. It’s a great step to living a peaceful and courageous life. 

You will also need to give yourself time to process what you and your counselor have discussed. The time you will need to work on activities and skills learned within the sessions. 

Keyways to know you are ready for counseling. 

  • You are tired of being stuck 
  • What you have tried isn’t working 
  • You are ready to talk 
  • You’ve done your research 
  • You are ready to take action. 

If you are ready to go from just thinking about it to taking action this is your sign. It’s time to start your healing journey. We help people all over Texas virtually. No more sleepless nights. Stop endless worry. Manage overthinking, process grief and loss and so much more with our help. We meet people where they are and support them in their process. Each person’s counseling experience is unique to them, and we are here to help you. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!