How-to-Start-Counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

How to Start Counseling

As a counselor of 10 plus years, I have had the privilege of helping people through some of the most difficult times in their lives. I’ve been doing this long enough to know how scary it is for some people to start counseling. After experiencing tons of calls from nervous, confused, tearful people wanting to improve their life but not knowing how to start counseling. If you are thinking about going to counseling but don’t know how to get started this post is for you. 

This post will help you to identify some key steps to take when you decide to start counseling. Discover some important areas to review and gain insight for making the best decision when moving forward in your counseling process.

Do your research 

Consider this post as part of your research. Finding that great fit in a counselor by exploring your options. Look for that counselor match that is just right for you. It might take several calls or reviewing profiles before you settle on someone you feel comfortable visiting for counseling. 

You may find yourself reading several profiles, looking at counselor directories, doing internet searches and consultations to find a counselor. This is more than an Amazon review check. Of course, you can check reviews, and look at websites, Instagram, Facebook pages as well as directories to help you explore your counseling options. 

If you do not feel comfortable talking with the counselor you are less likely to have a positive experience.  Do not be discouraged if you find yourself reading several profiles or making phone calls to find a counselor match you’re comfortable with for starting counseling. It takes time. 

Pro tip: If you are interested in using insurance call your insurance provider and ask them to provide you with a list of professionals who are in-network. This will help you eliminate some counselors who do not take your insurance. If you find a counselor who is a great fit but out-of-network (OON) you can choose to see the counselor. You will have to pay out of pocket and then be reimbursed by your insurance provider. Your insurance company will share the details of seeing an out-of-network counselor. 

Counseling is not a one-size-fits-all. I am an awesome counselor with a heart for helping people. I match well with many people, and I will say I’m not the best fit for everyone. My clients feel supported and accepted no matter what they are experiencing. Helping people feel comfortable to work through whatever their struggles are is at the top of my list. 

Before starting counseling do a consultation 

If you are strongly thinking about starting counseling but you are still unsure or have questions do a consultation. A lot of counselors offer free consultations. Sometimes you have to schedule the consultation, other times you can just call and talk with the counselor. In the consultation, you can ask questions. Some counselors have FAQs listed on their websites.  

A few questions to consider when you do your counseling consultation to start counseling are: 

  • Have you worked with ppl with (enter your specific concerns) before? 
  • What is your process like?
  • How can you help me? 
  • Do you take insurance? 
  • What is the length of the session?  
  • How much do the counseling services cost?

Be ready to do the work 

Starting counseling is a major step to improving your life. Some of the bravest people I know show up in my counseling sessions. I love talking with clients about what they’re going through and helping them make progress. We find solutions, process emotions, explore options, get clarity and so much more. To truly receive the most benefits from the counseling session you must be ready to work. 

My clients know talking through situations is part of the process. They must be willing to apply what they have learned from the counseling sessions to their life. Part of going to counseling means coming to a point in life where you are ready to go beyond just avoiding what is bothering you to taking action. Your healing journey is personal and unique to you. It will not look like anyone else’s. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!