Confidence & Self-Esteem

Healthy confidence helps transform your whole life. We help you discover how to become more confident, improve your confidence, and start your journey to a more fulfilling life. Self-esteem is how a person evaluates their worth and value. Confidence impacts everything in a person’s life. When people improve their confidence their whole life changes amazingly! People with healthy self-esteem and confidence walk, talk, and live differently. Here at Flourishing Hope Counseling, we want to help you grow your confidence. We understand the major impact of having healthy self-esteem. We welcome the opportunity to help you transform into the person you have always wanted to be.


Benefits of going to counseling for self-esteem

Choosing to improve amazingly transforms a person’s life! Habits are sometimes hard to break. The good news is you can do it! Just like the diagram shows, when you choose to make a change we support you in breaking the cycle.

Learn to love yourself. Be able to trust your judgments and make decisions without a doubt. Increase your self-esteem. Take care of yourself without feeling guilty. Worry less. Increase your confidence. Improve your relationship personally and professionally. Honor your values. Respect your boundaries. Know your worth, and face obstacles with confidence.

Where self-esteem comes from

Many experiences shape people’s confidence. Everything from early childhood experiences to things that have happened as recently as today. Relationships of all kinds impact our confidence. The experiences of successes and failures also impact a person’s self-esteem. Each experience sprinkles its own mix of how a person views themself. It adds or subtracts from a person’s confidence.

Life events that impact a person’s self-esteem

  • Attention and care given
  • Abuse: mental, physical, sexual, emotional, and financial
  • Appropriate affection
  • Criticism (constructive or critical)
  • Communication experiences (positive and negative)
  • The expectation of being perfect, no room for error
  • Experience of mocking, teasing, and ridicule
  • How much they are listened to
  • Level of respect given
  • Level of acknowledgment (accomplishments and mistakes)
  • Treatment from others.

Inner critic “inner voice”

The inner critic and inner voice are overbearing. It prevents a person from moving forward. Low self-esteem makes it difficult for a person to take chances. Decreased confidence makes it difficult to make choices. The past judgment of themselves and others. Often they lack compassion and kindness for themselves. Healthy confidence allows room for acceptance and self-love to grow. High levels of confidence increase compassion and kindness. 

Trauma and confidence

Trauma has an overwhelmingly negative impact on people’s confidence. Low confidence, often leaves people feeling powerless and questioning their self-worth. The loss of confidence is a common trauma response to the feelings of vulnerability and anxiety that trauma can evoke.

Rebuilding confidence is a vital part of the healing process. Going to counseling is crucial. With patience, self-compassion, and our professional guidance you can learn to trust yourself and your judgments. Our counseling services help people restore their confidence, overcome feelings of insecurity, and heal from trauma.

What happens when we don’t have a healthy confidence

When a person does not have healthy confidence many difficulties arise. It is hard for a person to be pleased with life. They struggle to find true joy. Frequently people with low self-esteem live in fear. People with low self-esteem settle in doubt, shame, and many other unhelpful ways. When a person has low self-esteem they become trapped in a vicious cycle.

Consequences of low self-esteem

  • Isolation
  • Depression
  • Anxiousness
  • Feelings of fear
  • Worry
  • Guilt and shame 
  • Poor work/academic performance
  • Sleep problems (sleeping too little or too much)
  • Eating problems (eating too little or too much)
  • Poor work/academic performance
  • Broken relationships (professional, family, romantic, and friendships)
  • May increase the poor coping skills of substance abuse (alcohol and other drugs).

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Start Healing from narcissistic abuse, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

We understand how confusing, overwhelming, and exhausted you feel as you try to heal. The heavy burden of dealing with trauma, narcissistic abuse, and grief is exhausting. You are NOT alone in this journey. As professional counselors who have both personal and professional experience in navigating these tough paths, we’re here to guide and support you every step of the way. We have a unique process designed to help you heal. Start counseling with us today.


Symptoms of low self-esteem

Talking negatively to themselves is a major symptom of low self-esteem problems. This negative self-talk becomes a natural way of thinking for some people. People who struggle with confidence issues are highly critical of themselves. They find it hard to see their accomplishments and strengths. The negatives are magnified by 1000. It’s hard for them to receive compliments and accept the good within themselves. They tend to criticize themselves more. Low self-esteem prevents them from asking for help. The negative things they say to themselves are often not true. They have begun to believe the negative self-talk. Negative beliefs affect their feelings and actions.

Low confidence warning signs

  • Overly sensitivity
  • Easily offended
  • Unable to accept compliments
  • Emotionally shut down
  • Unable to handle constructive criticism
  • Extreme shyness
  • Negative self-talk
  • Little to no eye contact
  • Frequently self-doubting
  • Compares self to others frequently
  • Find it difficult to ask for help
  • Indecisive, unable to make decisions
  • Strong desire to be perfect
  • Constantly checking (clothing, hair, self, situations) before leaving home or making a decision
  • Avoids social interactions
  • Closed body language
  • Poor posture.

Benefits of healthy self-esteem

  • Improved relationships
  • Increased confidence
  • Be more fearless
  • Know your worth
  • Improved confidence
  • See obstacles as opportunities
  • Acknowledge both strengths/weaknesses
  • Healthy social interactions
  • Increases confidence
  • In tune with emotions
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Able to make clear decisions
  • Does not see others as threats or superior
  • Accepts compliments
  • Clearly focused
  • Less worry.

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life.

Every monumental journey begins with a single step. This is yours.