Grief & Loss Counseling

Grief is a response to the loss of anyone or anything that has value in your life. It is a common part of the human experience. Every person experiences grief uniquely. Choosing to come to grief counseling is an important step in processing loss.

Benefits of Grief and Loss Counseling

We support you every tear and step of the way with compassion and understanding. Counseling for grief is a loving action you can make for yourself to heal. When you start grief counseling with us you will experience a safe and supportive environment to work through all of your emotions and experiences. We understand the profound impact of grief and loss. Learn coping strategies and experience a supportive place to rebuild your life as you continue to heal. We provide a comprehensive approach to healing, addressing your emotions, mental, spiritual, as well as providing you with practical steps to navigating loss.

Common examples of losses

  • Anticipating losses due to terminal medical difficulties
  • Breakup
  • Death of a spouse, child, friend, parent, pastor, or pet
  • Divorce/marriage
  • Cheating/Infidelity
  • Embracing an empty nest after children go to college or move away
  • Ending relationships
  • Financial loss, lifestyle changes
  • Hysterectomy or miscarriage
  • Loss/change of employment
  • Retirement

Stages of Grief

  • Shock -initial fear and numbness at hearing the news
  • Denial is a natural reaction to grief. Denial is one of the ways a person protects themselves from grief. It helps people escape from reality.
  • Anger is an intense emotion, sometimes anger is taken out on family, friends, and the loss.
  • Bargaining thoughts like “What if…” “If I could have…”I should have…” happen. Trying to figure out what could have been done.
  • Depression is a natural reaction to a loss. Increased sadness, decreased or increased appetite, decreased or increased sleep, isolation, and decreased motivation.
  • Acceptance -recognizing that the loss is real and has occurred. Acceptance does not mean agreement with the loss. Learning how to deal with loss.
  • There is no perfect way to go through the stages of grief. Phases of grief are not necessarily experienced in any particular order. However, a person can repeat some or all the signs of grief. Each person processes grief and loss differently.

The Grief and Trauma Connection

Trauma and grief, while different, often intertwine in life’s challenging moments. Trauma arises from deeply distressing events that overwhelm your ability to cope, affecting your emotions and sense of self. Trauma often requires you to process and manage intense emotions related to the distressing events. Grief involves coming to terms with loss and adjusting to a new reality.

Going to counseling is a vital part of healing from grief and trauma. It’s not about forgetting or moving on in the traditional sense. Part of healing from grief and trauma is about learning to live with these experiences in a way that’s healthy for you.

Our counseling services offer tailored support specific to your experiences and needs. Helping you navigate the challenging emotions in a safe and supportive environment is our priority for helping you heal.

Acute Grief 

Acute grief is viewed as a natural response to the mental battle a person faces before accepting the loss. Common indications of grief due to death are devastation, disorganization, explosive reactions, self-blame, loneliness, liberation, and closure. If a loss is expected, the stages involved in the grieving process typically consist of anger, isolation, denial, depression, bargaining, and acceptance.  Generally, in response to acute grief, people will eventually accept the heartbreaking event and move forward with life.

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Start Healing from narcissistic abuse, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

We understand how confusing, overwhelming, and exhausted you feel as you try to heal. The heavy burden of dealing with trauma, narcissistic abuse, and grief is exhausting. You are NOT alone in this journey. As expert professional counselors who have personal and professional experience in navigating these tough paths, we’re here to guide and support you every step of the way. We have a unique process designed to help you heal. Start counseling with us today.

Complicated Grief

Complicated grief is considered a more serious life-threatening occurrence. In complicated grief, symptoms are felt with greater intensity for extended periods. Individuals experience extreme psychological suffering. They experience disturbing thoughts and mental pictures of the deceased person. People enduring a complicated type of grief lose all hope while often contemplating suicide. These agonizing symptoms linger for 6 months or more after the loss. Excruciating mental, physical, social, and employment-related problems usually develop because of the increased pain associated with complicated grief. Those suffering from acute grief can regain balance in life and move forward. In contrast, professional treatment is often necessary to overcome the intense and persistent symptoms associated with complicated grief.

Grief and Spirituality 

For most people healing grief takes time, comfort, counseling when needed, as well as spiritual faith. Spirituality is thought of as an intimate involvement with God; not simply religious rituals. (Hall, Dixon, and Mauzy (2004). Connecting with your faith in God is a personal experience that offers a way to be restored, recover joy, and move forward into a meaningful life. Gill, Minton, & Myers (2010) stated that other choices toward a restorative path include harnessing inner strengths plus striving to reach one’s ultimate potential. Redefining one’s reasons for living and pursuing a greater heart of gratitude is the advancement in the direction of a wellness-filled life. (Gill, 2010).

We Help You Through the Hiraeth

Betrayal Trauma counseling, hiraeth support, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

It’s hard to put into words exactly what it means to process the pain of betrayal trauma. Betrayal trauma puts you in a very complicated space. The person you once trusted for support and love is the same person you cannot run for help anymore. You want to be comforted by them, and at the same time, they are the person who has betrayed you.

We understand as you are processing the betrayal trauma, you will experience feelings of grief. We found this Welsh word that sums up the grief of betrayal trauma very well.

Treatment Options for Grief

Standard treatment for complicated grief does not exist since each person is unique. Typically, counseling professionals will devise a plan best fitting for the person. Occasionally, counseling and antidepressants are used to treat grief-related depression. (We do not prescribe medication). Then, there are times when the counselor and people explore the causes and symptoms surrounding prolonged grief. The goal of the counselor is to support the person throughout the bereavement process. This process involves accepting the death of the loved one, ending the distress; reconnecting with positive feelings, a willingness to explore life without the deceased person, and finally, a readiness to set new goals for life.

  • Get support (family, friends, church, and support groups)
  • Be patient with yourself and others
  • Express yourself, find ways to be creative
  • Take time out, find a healthy distraction
  • Seek counseling
  • Practice forgiveness
  • Find a way to honor the person.

Break free from suffering with our help

We provide grief counseling. Here at Flourishing Hope Counseling, we support you in the grief process. Allow yourself the time you need to process what has happened. Feel supported. Know what to do with the anger. Process your sadness. Explore any guilt. Stop bargaining and wondering what-if thoughts. Express the shock. Learn how to move forward despite the pain. Find your way to peace with support. Embrace acceptance with help.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!