The research and knowledge of narcissism and narcissistic abuse continue to be important. Increasingly more people are becoming aware of narcissism and narcissistic abuse. In the same way, each person is different every narcissist is different.
Narcissism is on a spectrum that continues. You may notice a combination of narcissistic traits in some people. The information about the different types of narcissism is here to serve as a guide. This is not a tool to try and diagnose someone you know. It is a resource to help you better understand narcissism.
Grandiose narcissist
Grandiose narcissists are the look-at-me type of narcissist. The general type of narcissist people think about when they hear the term narcissist is the grandiose narcissist. Grandiose narcissists are excellent pretenders. They tend to be great love bombers. It’s the fairytale, movie type of experience. Grandiose narcissists will give you the best gifts, trips, and travel. Grandiose narcissists inaccurately present themselves. To be more specific it’s the too-good-to-be-true type of experience. They are masterful at making you feel safe, loved, and cared for as if nothing in the world could go wrong, and if it does they will protect you.
Examples of grandiose narcissist behaviors:
- Grandiose -over-the-top grand gestures
- Lack of empathy
- Does not take responsibility
- Entitled
- Extremely self-focus
- Inflated sense of self-worth
- Does things for show
- Superficial charm
- Strong need for praise and recognition
- Talks a lot about themselves constantly
- Hypersensitive to comments, and receive guidance and comments as criticism
- Projects their negative traits and qualities onto others
- Arrogant
- Judges others harshly
- Do not handle rejection well
- Manipulative (of others and you/your feelings)
- Highly sarcastic (gives backhanded compliments.)
- Tend to love power and pleasure
Covert narcissist traits (vulnerable narcissists)
Covert narcissists are the victim, everything bad happens to me type. They are a bit more challenging to detect. They are the more unsuspecting individuals. You may find yourself unable to recognize these traits in the beginning. They present as victims, vulnerable, more tender, and unassuming. You are less likely to notice these types of traits from the covert narcissist because the grandiose type of narcissist is so in your face. When you tell someone about what you have experienced with a covert narcissist the person may say “They seemed like such a nice person.”
Examples of covert narcissist behaviors:
- Highly sensitive to criticism
- Anxious
- Depressed
- Tendency to put themselves down
- Lack of empathy
- Lack social skill
- Subtle charm
- High levels of resentment
- Appears to be a “good person”
- Increased introversion and shyness
- Holds grudges
- Makes dismissive, sarcastic statements
- A sense of inferiority and low confidence
- Defensive
- Passive-aggressive
- Manipulative
- Guilt trips
- Envious
- Feelings of inadequacy
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Malignant narcissists
Malignant narcissists are bullies. They are intensely focused on what they want. They will sabotage any and everything. Malignant narcissists tend to be successful. The desire for power and pleasure drives them to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Malignant narcissists are scarier due to their increased levels of malicious intent. They are more likely to abuse any and everyone in their life.
Examples of malignant narcissists’ behaviors:
- Aggressive
- Exploitative
- Manipulativeness
- Coercive control
- Controlling
- Mean and menacing
- Anger
- Cruel
- Deceitful
- Lie consistently to support their best interest and to protect what is important to them
- Rule breakers
- Paranoid
- Desire power
- Profit and pleasure are important to them
- Careless and wreckless
- Promiscuous
- Low impulse control
- Addictive behaviors and sex, shopping, gambling, drug, and substance abuse
- Violent
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BUY NOWAntagonistic Narcissist
Antagonistic narcissism is the cutthroat aggressive type. This type of narcissism is another branch of overt narcissism. They have traits similar to overt narcissists traits with a twist of competitiveness. They are highly manipulative and exploitative. Antagonistic narcissists are destructive to people and themselves. They seek opportunities that support their best interests and personal gain.
Examples of antagonistic narcissist behaviors:
- Highly disagreeable
- Abusive in various forms (emotional, physical, financial, etc.)
- Argumentative
- Frequently criticizing others
- Seek attention
- Like to control people
- Wants people to comply with them
- Arrogance
- Takes advantage of others
- Threats and threatening
- Excessively demanding
- Competitive Exploitive
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GET THE DOWNLOADSCommunal Narcissist
Communal narcissists are hypocritical helpers. They are found in various settings. These types of narcissists may be found in volunteer settings, religious and spiritual settings, cults, community groups anywhere attention can be given to support a cause. Communal Narcissists have all the traits of grandiose narcissists.
Examples of communal narcissist behaviors:
- Taking on special causes
- Donating large amounts of money for others to see
- Takes advantage of others to receive validation, praise, and attention
- Overcommitting to social engagements with the need for attention
- Competitive in giving and doing
- Desires videos, photos, and lots of look at me types of behaviors
- Reacts strongly to actions they believe are unfair
- They want their “good deeds” to be documented.
Hybrid (Mixed Type)
Again, because narcissism is on a spectrum that continues the hybrid narcissist exists. The key behaviors of low empathy, entitlement, inability to manage disappointment, irritability, incapacity to take responsibility, view other people as objects and property, and a sense of disregard for people.
Some theorists believe each narcissist is mixed. Meaning narcissists may present as grandiose when life is going well, and covert when life is not going well. You may experience the variation of the narcissist depending on the circumstances.
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