What-happens-if-i-dont-go-to-counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

What Happens if I Don’t Go to Counseling 

A lot of times people will consider going to counseling 7 to 10 times before deciding to actually start counseling. They wait hoping life will get better. Others try old coping habits health or unhealthy with the hopes of it working themselves out. They wish for problems to just magically disappear lingers for quite some time with no results before the person finally makes the appointment. Other times the problems become uncontrollable so much so they need professional help to get a handle on the difficulties. Hoping the problems will disappear by themselves is an option, but not always the best one. 

If you think you need to talk to someone, you need to talk to someone. Do not wait for the problems to get so bad before you go to counseling. Read this post to find out what happens if you don’t go to counseling. Discover the risk of delaying your healing journey. Understand the possible dangers of prolonging your inner peace. Learn more about the possible threats and consequences. 

The problems stay the same 

If you do nothing, nothing changes. There’s a quote that says if you sweep it under the rug it’s still in the house. When people decide not to go to counseling they keep a lot in their hearts and mind. This is not a healthy option for living a peaceful life. 

Counseling is a transformative process to help you work through the problems you are experiencing. Making the decision to go to counseling doesn’t mean you are crazy or weak. Deciding to go to counseling is one of the most loving gestures you can take to improve your life. 

The problems can get worse

This is a painful point to consider. When a person does not go to counseling for something causing them problems the issue can get worse. It becomes a snowball effect. It starts small and continues to build. Before you know it the ball is rolling and the problems are too big to handle and everything is out of control. 

This is where I come in as a counselor. I help people successfully work through the difficulties they are facing with a listening ear, nonjudgmental support, and compassion. Add in some professional training, skills you can use, and support and you have a life-changing experience. When a person has an issue and they do not take steps to improve the situation the problems can increase. 

You run the risk of healing improperly  

When people do not go to counseling to receive help the situation may seem as if it has resolved itself only later to find it has transferred to a different area of their life, or it has not resolved at all. 

If you break a finger and you don’t go to the hospital to have it treated properly there is a possibility the finger could heal wrong. You could put several band-aids on it to secure it. You could even make a simple brace to try and stabilize it as you keep going with your life. From time to time you might get small twinges of pain you try to ignore it but it doesn’t quite repair the injury. Over time the finger will heal but it might not heal correctly. This is what sometimes happens when you don’t go to counseling. 

Making the commitment to go to counseling will help you to improve the quality of your life. Learn new skills, unpack your pain and resolve the issues. 

Problems might disappear 

This is the thing you hope will happen. Sometimes it does. That uncomfortable moment you can’t get out of your mind fades to the back of your memory, or the random comment someone made that hurt your feelings doesn’t bother you anymore. 

The only problem is sometimes it doesn’t happen that way. The problems that bother you in the past linger in the deep corners of your mind, or you without knowing start to respond differently to situations in life because you haven’t truly dealt with whatever is bothering you. You pack your bags and move to a new place and the old baggage of pain, guilt, shame, and any other unpleasant elements go with you. 

It is NOT worth the risk 

You are worth it, suffering in silence is not an option. Hoping motivational videos and saving Instagram posts while waiting for your life to improve is not enough. Above are just a few of the possible outcomes that happen when people do not go to counseling. It’s NOT worth the risk.  This is why going to counseling is important. Begin to unpack the pains that have been bothering you. Successfully work through the problems that are troubling you with support. Learn how to identify and process your emotions. Get unstuck. Don’t just sweep problems under the rug and hope for the best. Do something about it. Heal properly in a way that supports you.  Do not let things stay the same, and for sure do not let things get any worse. This is the moment where you change your life. Schedule your appointment today. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!