What-You-Need-to-Know-Before-Going-to-Counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

What You Need to Know Before Going to Counseling

It’s natural to feel nervous

This one might not be a big surprise for you. When you try something new it can be exciting and scary at the same time. A lot of times people will consider 7-10 times before they make that first step to start counseling. Once you finally decide to go to counseling the next step is showing up to the session. Feeling nervous about starting the process is undesirable. You’re on the cusp of talking with a stranger about some very personal areas of your life. The important details of your life will be discussed and processed. 

At the end of a session, I have had clients tell me about how to relieve they were to find out it wasn’t so bad after all. I’ve shared about how counseling is not like t.v. and movies present it in most cases. Yes, you can’t avoid the initial discomfort. Once you develop that healthy rapport (relationship) with our counselor you will begin to look forward to processing your experiences. My clients love reporting back in sessions when they have done amazingly well. We discuss their triumphs and their troubles in a supportive environment. 

It takes time to get better

This is the one people sometimes don’t want to hear me say when I speak to them about the beginning stages of their healing journey. People ask me all the time how long will it take. The answer is different for each person. I get it you want the problems to be gone like yesterday, only it doesn’t happen like that in most cases. The sooner you start counseling the quicker you can get into the healing space. Consider this each moment that you put off going to counseling is another day you are delaying your inner peace. 

Counseling is a beautifully transformative experience unique to each person. You may be able to overcome the struggles you have faced quickly, at the same time it’s fair to mention it may take a while. 

Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, don’t quit

People will sometimes avoid counseling because they don’t want to deal with the pain. The only problem with this is you’re already dealing with the pain. Avoiding the discomfort of talking about the problems that have been bothering you with a professional counselor is a great way to successfully work through the problems. 

Some people worry if they go to counseling it won’t work. Other times people worry it could make things worse. Consider how much worse life can become if you don’t take action. It helps to speak with a professional counselor about it instead of carrying it with you throughout life. 

Of course, making that first step to start counseling is a brave one to take. The next step is to keep showing up and doing the work. I let people know how proud I am of them for investing in themselves by showing up in counseling and doing the work. Then they leave out of the sessions and apply what they have learned. That’s one of the many parts I love about counseling people. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!